Lab News
Congrats to Weiwei and Katrina for their combined first-author manuscript in the Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry!
Congratulations to Grad Student Jason Scott for successfully defending his thesis! Best of luck on your new career in pharmacy!
Congratulations to Grad Student Chad Hewitt for successfully defending his thesis! Chad was a fantastic lab mate and always stepped up when things needed to be done in lab. Best of luck on your new career at Nurix Chad!
Grad student Jason Scott received the Ross-Lynn Fellowship for his work on AC1. Congrats to Jason as the hard work has paid off!
Five new papers published in the first 3-months of 2021. The lab is working very well together and we are excited for what the future holds!
The Lab is excited to announce that our R01 proposal to develop novel inhibitors of adenylyl cyclase type 1 for the treatment of chronic pain was selected for funding by the NINDS!
The lab bids farewell to our wonderful post-doc Xufeng Cao! Xufeng has moved onto a Research Scientist Position at Moffit Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. This is a great opportunity for him and we are very happy for him. Xufeng was instrumental in pushing many projects to publication and he was always meticulous and produced high quality molecules. Good Luck Xufeng!
We are excited to congratulate the Dr. Aaron Krabill on earning his PhD! Aaron is the first to earn his PhD from the Flaherty lab and we are very happy him and thankful for his dedication to the lab in getting it off the ground.
The Flaherty lab is excited to welcome our newest member Katrina Holly! Katrina is a graduate student in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology. She will join the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor team.
Congrats to Chad on his first author paper (and Aaron for being a co-author) being accepted into the journal Biochemistry. This paper describes our work in using computational design to develop novel, selective ubiquitin variants that target UCH enzymes selectively in cells.
Our first paper on novel carbonic anhydrase inhibitors against VRE was accepted and published online today by the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry! This was a large interdisciplinary effort between our lab and Dr. Seleem's lab. Congrats to current lab members Xufeng Can, Weiwei An and Aaron Krabill as well as former members Jatinder Kaur, Amanda Graboski and Atul Bhardwaj for contributing to the manuscript. We look forward to many more papers on the subject from this collaboration in the future!
A new paper in ChemMedChem describing our work on novel inhibitors for adaptive efflux in Acinetobacter baumannii was just accepted. Congrats to Xufeng Cao and former undergrad student Rebecca Fritz!
The lab has received a grant from the Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery continue our AC1 project in collaboration with the Watts Lab as part of the Drug Evaluation Committee meeting
Congrats to lab member Ryan Imhoff for being selected as a fellow in the Purdue Drug Discovery Training Program! Well deserved!
The Flaherty lab re-opens after a three month hiatus due to COVID-19.
Congratulations to Chad Hewitt for being awarded a travel award from the Purdue Graduate Student Government! Look for Chad to be presenting his work on ubiquitin variants this March at National ACS in Philadelphia.
We are happy to announce that first year MCMP grad students Molly Youse and Ryan Imhoff have chosen to join our lab!
Aaron's paper is out in ChemBioChem and gaining attention on twitter!
Congrats to Aaron Krabill for winning a travel award from MCMP. He will be presenting a poster at the National ACS meeting in March in Philadelphia.
The lab would like to welcome new post-doctoral research associate Dr. Weiwei An! She will be doing med chem on our antibiotic molecules.
Congrats to Aaron Krabill for having his first paper accepted by ChemBioChem!
Received pilot funding for a collaboration with the Watts lab to pursue AC8 inhibitors from the Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery.
Congratulations to Lisha Ha for successfully defending her Master's thesis. Fantastic job!
Our MCMP collaboration with Drs. Watts and van Rijn to develop AC1 inhibitors for the treatment of chronic pain is featured in Purdue News.
Recieving some publicity for our exciting VRE project!
Our R01 in collaboration with Dr. Mohamed Seleem for the development of novel anti-VRE drugs will be funded by NIAID!
Congratulations to undergrad researchers Amanda Graboski and Collin Sroge for graduating from Purdue BSPS! Thank you for all your contributions to the lab. You'll be missed.
Congrats Lisha on another paper. Small Molecule RnpA inhibitors
Undergrad Researcher Amanda Graboski placed 3rd in the Oral Presentations at the Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference. Congrats Amanda!
Graduate Student Aaron Krabill was awarded a PRF Graduate Student Fellowship. Hard work has paid off. Nice work Aaron.
Jason Scott passed his OP and is now an official PhD candidate. Awesome job Jason!
Our first paper on AC1 inhibitors out in European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry!
Aaron Krabill received the Kienly Award for excellence in teaching! Congrats and well-deserved!
Congrats to Lisha for her new publication of the RnpA crystal structure!
Happy to welcome our new Post-Doc Xufeng Cao to the lab!
Graduate student Chad Hewitt passed his OP and is now a Ph.D. candidate! Awesome job Chad!
Deposited our first structure into the PDB. Look for a communication to come out soon!
Flaherty Lab grad students Chad Hewitt and Aaron Krabill were elected as the president and Treasurer, respectively, of the Purdue MCMP Graduate Student Organization. Congrats!
Received word that our R01 in collaboration with Dr. Dunman at the University of Rochester Medical Center for antibacterial inhibitors of RnpA is getting funded! Congrats to all involved!
Thank you to the Purdue Center for Cancer research for funding our Phase 1 proposal to develop a cellular DUB assay!
Thank you to the Purdue Provost's office for funding our proposal "Adding mass spectrometry capabilities to enhance pharmacy education". We will be purchasing a new Mass Spec for Undergrad Organic lab!